Mokaffe is one of my favorite artists (many cards of mine are from her artwork).. The colors are so simple but beautiful. The quote is wonderful, the placement of the text is great as well!
Thank you very much for the birthday wishes and for the dedication! I really appreciate it (^^ )
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/05/13 | Reply
Haha, I actually looked at some of your cards to see what to make you and saw some of Mokaffe's art! I love her art as well :D
I'm very glad you like it!
You are very very welcome~!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
Twinkless ;A; This is very beautiful >w<.
Mokaffe is one of my favorite artists (many cards of mine are from her artwork).. The colors are so simple but beautiful. The quote is wonderful, the placement of the text is great as well!
Thank you very much for the birthday wishes and for the dedication! I really appreciate it (^^ )
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
I love her artwork too :3 This is one of my favorite pieces <3
Thanks so much!
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
Mokaffe's artwork!! <333 I've always loved her artwork. I love how you placed the text, very nice typography too. *u*
Last edited by Blue Latte at 2:48:23 PM EDT on June 5, 2013.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3